Introducing our new look App (it’s bold, beautiful and packed full of handy features!)
In 2024 we boldly launched the Witzer App, a revolutionary project management and payment platform for home renovators, tradies and professionals designed to put trust into every home renovation project.
In 2025 we’re so excited to release Witzer 2.0 – the same App you know and love, but with a brilliant new interface filled with a range of excellent new features, (if we do say so ourselves!)
From inspiration pages to gather all your ideas to a claims section which allows tradies to get paid more easily, Witzer provides clear and transparent communication between all parties on your project, allowing you to manage your renovation with total confidence.
Check out the new features:
With a new and improved draft projects page, users can now outline a clear vision for their dream project. With space to upload before images, sketches or drawings, inspiration pictures and links to products or websites for your space, the draft projects will help collate your vision into a clear brief for your tradie.
With simple and easy quoting, homeowners and tradies can be clear on the plan and inclusions in a project, outline key milestones and go into the contract phase with confidence.
Provides complete oversight of the entire project including timelines and payments, as well as contracts and variations, progress photos and the original brief.
In three easy steps, tradies can now make a claim on a project milestone and get paid faster! Reduce admin time and stress less with Witzer.
Our brand new messaging feature allows both parties to communicate clearly with all information and documents, saved to your project. No more going through emails, texts, calls and photos – it’s all in ONE spot with Witzer!
Never miss an important update on your project with push notifications now available
Free for everyone to use, download the app today and get planning your dream reno.